Ferncliff Daycare is committed to providing quality childcare for up to 164 children between the ages of 2.5 to 12 years old. We currently offer three programs for families.
2.5 - 4 years
1:8 educator ratio
4 - 6 years
1:13 educator ratio
School Age
6 - 12 years
1:15 educator ratio
The Importance of Early Learning
The emotional, social and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. That is why understanding the need to invest in very young children is so important, so as to maximize their future well-being. Children’s early experiences – the bonds they form with their parents and their first learning experiences – deeply affect their future physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. Optimizing the early years of children’s lives is the best investment we can make as a society in ensuring their future success.
Our emergent curriculum is organized around 5 areas of development:
(i) physical (gross and fine motor)
(ii) social (awareness, respect, ability to share and cooperate)
(iii) communication (verbal and non-verbal)
(iv) self-esteem (self-awareness and positive self-image)
(v) cognitive (comprehension, problem solving, and skill acquisition)
Every child has a sense of belonging when he or she is connected to others and contributes to their world. Our programs cultivate authentic, caring relationships and connections to create a sense of belonging among children, adults, and the world around them.
Here, every child is developing a sense of self, health, and well-being. Our programs nurture children’s healthy development and support their growing sense of self.
At Ferncliff Daycare & After School Group, every child is an active and engaged learner who explores the world with body, mind, and senses. Our programs provide environments and experiences to engage children in active, creative, and meaningful exploration, play, and inquiry.
Here, every child is a capable communicator who expresses themselves in many ways. Our programs foster communication and expression in all forms.
Ferncliff Daycare & After School Group abides by the standards set out by the city of Toronto. The Assessment for Quality Improvement (AQI) outlines clear expectations, service standards and guidelines for child care providers who have a service contract with the City. It also serves as a self-evaluation and planning tool for child care operators, and educators. Unannounced yearly visits are conducted to ensure the childcare is in compliance with with all standards and guidelines.